Product Updates

Celoxis v13.5 is coming!

Dear Customers,

We have some good news during these bizarre and unprecedented times. Our team has been working hard and we have some great enhancements coming your way. However, unlike in the past where the release would happen on one day, the features in this release will be rolled out gradually.  The entire process will be complete before May 24, 2020.

Celoxis v13.5 is a pure enhancement release which means you and your team can continue to use the software without any hiccups as we roll out the new enhancements.

What’s coming in v13.5

Chart Enhancements

  • Cumulative and burndown option for lines. This means you can now create your own S-curves and Burndown charts.
  • Automatic totals on bar and line charts. This means you get more information.
  • Limit lines on bar and line charts.
  • Y-axis can now be numeric for scatter charts
  • Project Manager and Project groupable custom fields are available on X-axis for charts
  • Ability to create time-phased metric widgets and place them on dashboards
  • Added cost-category and unbilled revenue columns to time-phased reports
  • Intelligent rendering of axes labels to improve readability
  • Improved rendering of bubble charts
  • Better space utilization - legends are placed at better locations and you have the option to hide axes titles

Custom field of type user

You can choose to mark it single/multi and you can pick whether you want licensed, virtual or all users.

Bulk delete of users, clients and contacts

From the User/Client/Contact views you can pick multiple and delete. For users/clients you will be prompted for a replacement and then all the users you delete will be replaced by the one you picked.

API Update: events

You can fetch events using api/v2/events
You can specify the following filters:

  • Period to fetch events in a specific period
  • User filter to fetch events affecting a user using the key e.g.
  • Impact filter using the key eventImpactsScheduling  with possible values of NON_WORKING, WORKING or NO

Updates records via CSV Import

You can now update users, clients and time logs via CSV import. If your CSV rows contain an ID field and you should map it to the Celoxis ID field, the corresponding record in Celoxis will be updated based on the values in the CSV row.

About v13 for On-Premise customers

Unfortunately, we will not be releasing v13 for on-premise customers as we had planned due to the current situation as providing support is challenging during these times. However, the good news is that customers can directly move from v12 to v13.5 once things get back to normal. We anticipate this to happen during the first week of June 2020.

Stay safe!

Team Celoxis

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    Stacie Manzano

    Can we view non-project custom categories in time-phased utilization reports?

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